All in Faith

Guardian Angels.

Last Sunday evening, I went to mass at this beautiful cathedral in the heart of Barcelona. While I couldn’t understand a word of what was being said, it felt comfortable and familiar. As I kneeled to pray before the mass began, I cried. The previous week and all its changes had been overwhelming. While I’d been settling into my routine at the AirBNB, I was leaving the safety of what I’d found for a hostel the next morning. To say I was nervous is putting it mildly. So I did what I always do when my nerves get to me.

Blind Faith.

Over the course of the past year, my faith has grown exponentially. I can’t explain why exactly. Maybe it’s because I’ve invested time and energy into listening to myself, digging deeper for answers rather than placing blame on external forces. What I’ve discovered is nothing short of amazing to me.