That Time When A Monkey Sat on My Head.

My monkey moment. It’s the day my life changed. 🐒 I was at a low point in my life. To the world, I had it all together. Yet, I was slowly crumbling inside. I was overworked, overwhelmed and at a loss for how to change. Maybe you feel this way? Bali changed that. But how did I get to Bali?

Where is the Love - Part Two.

As we continue our series on heart-centered relationships, this week we’re focusing on those we surrounded ourselves with, our besties. It is often said you are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with. Who is that for you? (If your answer included a toddler, keep reading!)

What Brings You Joy?

What brings you joy? Did reading that question cause your heart to skip a beat? Do you find yourself holding your breath? If this is you, you're not alone. Take a deep exhale and keep reading. When I ask clients this question, I usually hear crickets. Many can’t immediately tell me what brings them joy as they’re often operating on autopilot from a place of stress. Joy is a state of being often tied to feelings of pleasure and happiness.